Sep 12Liked by Simon Indelicate

I'm so so so ready for Avenue Qanon. The Indelicates has been in regular rotation in my cars, computers, and phones since I found you through Les back in 2005. Instantly my new favorite band; at last a worthy successor to the throne Carter vacated 8 years prior.

Each side project has been greedily devoured and pored over in the interminable interim. I've been desperately searching for Indelicates-adjacent fixes in the hauntology of pylons, theme parks, and lounge exotica. (That last one - Four Exotic Moods - spun on my Spotify for months.)

But this, the promise of a proper new Indelicates album, has had me vibrating since the Cold War Bop dropped. I'm ready to be shipped to.

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I’m scared of Discord. A young person tried to explain it to me once and it looked terribly confusing.

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You can make it complicated -but ours isn't. It's just like a forum with different sections and everything that gets posted appears in order like twitter used to. I recommend having a go!

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